kind of modal

Kind Of Modal
1.Can (dapat/bisa)
Can you play a music instrument?
Ø  Can (boleh)
can I use the phone for a minute?
2.  May (mungkin)
            he may not be able to finish the work on time
Ø  May (boleh)
you may take a rest now
3. Must (harus)
            we must submit the task next Tuesday
Ø  Must (pasti)
She must be sick as she looks pate and weak
4. Will (akan)
            Will he attend the meeting tomorrow?
Ø  Will (mau/bersedia)
Will you help me carry this suitcase
5. Shall (akan)
            I shall call him tonight
Ø  Shall (mesti)
shall I pick you up tomorrow
6. Could (dapat)
            his uncle could swim across this river when he was young
Ø  Could (bolehkah/bisakah)

could you tipe this letter for here? 

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