X MIA 1 BRAVEr's Club

Saturday, april 4th,2015 . It was the day that we wait for along time. It was a surprise. We went to final !! we didnt think that we will went to final. we macth with our senior, XII IS 1. So were just optimistic! And gave the best!
In the morning, we waited at some place, that we cetain before. We went to koni stadiun by Odong-odong, hha!! We also decorated It to made a good look :D It was FUN!! We went there with our teacher classroom and 2 other teachers. We sang a song along our trip and also looked around a very beatiful view, were so enjoyed It. Yeah! It was ours day to show X MIA 1 solidarity to everybody.
When we arrived, all people looked at us. We didnt know what was on their mind?! . then, some of us prepared them selves to sajojo performance.
The program opened by football competition between Teachers Vs OSIM, some funnies moment we can found here :D after that, sajojo performance was started. There are many club in the field with their attributes, look great!! So colorful  and creative formation.
Before the game started, both of club sang a national song “Indonesia Raya” , and then the player shook hand each other. They go to their position and the whistle ringing. It indicated the game was started.  All them looked like a great player!  All supporter were scream out loud! In the 1st round, XII IS 1 was successful break through the goal post X MIA 1. We’re shocked !! :o but, we still believed that we can!!
The whistle ringing again, It indicated the break time, some player look so tired and fate, till one of our teacher gather us to pray together.
Several time later, the whistle ringing again It indicated 2nd round started. We’re tried to rose our spirit anymore. After several time, The game look so tighten. Suddenly ,,,,,,GOooAaaL,,,, we’re successful make the same position 1-1 and hold out Till the end of game.
It mean there will be a Penalty. We have chosen 5 player for it. It still have the same point. So, were chose once player again.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim J
GOooooAaalL… all of us run away to the field. We scream out loud and also the supporter! (MIA 1 !! MIA 1 !! MIA 1 !!) It was out of our mind! Will be the winner! Wow !! It a great moment !! (^_^)/
The trophy allotted in the end of the program. After that, we back to odong-odong. All of It made us hungry, so we go to restaurant to fill our empty stomach. After that, we back home with happy felt. Were so grateful J we don’t need to hope that day never end to could feel what we felt on that day. we still could felt our victory and solidarity everytime.
It was a perfect day Ever!! ^-^

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