pidato bahasa inggris "A YOUTH,AN ACTION,and A CHANGE"


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Honorable all of the judicator of english speech competition
Your excellencies the audience and the finalist of english speech competition.
And then all my friends who come together to giving a support, I say thank you very much.
First of all let thank’s to allah.swt , who has given us health, power, and chance. So that we can come together in this place to participate at english speech competition.
Futhermore, we specially send our peace and salutation to our prophet muhammad,saw his messenger and his servant who has brought the human from the darkness into the brightness, like we feel this time. I thank protocol who has provided me time to speak today.
Before I deliver my speech, I would introduce my self, my name is trisna monalia,I am delegation from islamic senior high school 1 sungai penuh.
Well, in ths chance, I am going to tell you about “ A youth, An action, and A change”
All my loving audience,
If you heard about a youth, what’s on your mind? Energic, anthusiasm, creative, innovative, full of action. Or the other mind? Weak, so easy to influence sosial intercourse, and make noisiness everywhere.
The audience,
Indonesia have been indenpendence since 70 years. But there’s stil youth who doesn’t meaning the indenpendence. They don’t meaning a life. Moreover, it’s like they don’t know what is a struggle? Even if it’s about the struggle of their patriot,when they tried to fight over indenpendence from colonialist. the struggle of their teacher to teach them. Moreover the struggle of their parent to spend their life, with a hope someday they will be a success people.
But they have influenced by the global era. They are so easy to be influenced by the west life style, until they trapped to the black hole. Some of them hit by the negative impact of technology, they like to play at social media until they forget the time to study, all the time just to reading status at cyberspace until they forget about they real life. They have trapped by pornography and some of them also consume narcotics, smoke, fight with their friend from other school and they have trapped by social intercourse.
They also lie to their parent asking for some money, they said it was for important things. But in fact, it’s just to buy a beverage or just to bet. They out of their religion and their religion already gone. It’s so anxious.
Of course ! Indonesia don’t need a youth who act like that. A youth who try to shatter their home. A youth who fail and won’t progress.
So, what kind of youth need by this country?
Dear brother and sister,
This country need a youth with full of spirit, full of action, have enthusiasm to bring Indonesia to be better with their great ideas and so enthusiasm to make proud their country with their creativity, independent youth, the future leader of this country.
A youth is regarded a symbol of good spirit, that’s never overcast. A youth symbolize a brave, that’s never faded. A youth symbolize a power, that’s never break. That are the reason why our first president, mr.Soekarno said “GIVE ME 10 YOUTH, SO I WILL SHAKE THE WORLD”
All my loving audience,
Even if we often heard a brawl between the student. But in the other way, we also heard a youth who assemble to make a group , like a group of anti drugs, the environmental care association, discussion forum, organization, competition, and many other.
We still remember, about one of our national figure, mr.habibie. he filled his young time with a useful thing, such as study more till abroud,turned his skill and potential, until he can made a great thing like a wing of plane. Together with his friend created national first plane.
Since day, some of Indonesian young man get a success in a world grade. Like the winner of Olympiad, the youngest director in the world, and some success entrepreneur young man.
The youth who act like that, not only active at school but also out of school. Fill the time by positive thing and also useful. This what we want ! a group of youth with full of action and care to their country, a group of youth who want to fill the independence to bring Indonesia’s name to the top of the world.  
The audience,
To born a young man like that, it must educate from child. We still remember about mrs.R.A Kartini, a succses woman who struggle for woman emancipation and  really like to read a book. And we ever heard a slogan “book is a world’s window” or “read more, know more”. One of the method to know about something is from reading. From it we can learn to understand what we read. It Make them have a knowledge till planted in their heart an enjoyable reading attitude and from that they will learn about something that can help their daily life And it will be great if they have motivation from reading.
For example they have read that “throw a trash not in the place will result the various of sick source and throw a thrash in the river can result a flood”. So when they start interaction with their circles, they will not throw a trash everywhere, ‘cause they have known what’s the effect .
But how about the people who know about it but still do that? Here the youth start to action. They can restrain it by making a community that try to challenge everyone to save our earth by not throw a trash everywhere. Or a group of creative youth who try to reuse a trash to be a useful things. Here, we can get conclude that a little thing can make a big change to our earth, especially for Indonesia circles.
Dear brother and sister,
In indonesia independence history, the youth much struggle to grab independence like our patriot did. They are a hero and everyone can be a hero like them, right? Should a hero identical with a fight? Should the hero identical with spillage blood? Of course not! All of us can act to become a hero, with the spirit of nationalism bring a change for this nation. We can be hero from own way. because we know everyone is special in their own way, just how we can turn our skill and potential so we can be able to make change for our country to make it better. We can live from our creativity to bring a success. 
A great young man who are following the development times, as a youth who can follow technology current and exploit of it positively. They can look and observe also think what can they do with their circles.
From that we can get conclution, some of method to born an active young man are reading, learning, practicing, turn the skill and potential, and follow the development times.
Dear brother and sister,
If this nation want a change, the youngster should start an action. A youth duty as change agent, for the new of civilization and also can implementation as a guard of governance or leadership of state. An action is not meaning at opposing or a rebel but more just as a guard or a reminder . an action not guarantee the existence of change, but there will be no change without an action.
So that, let us exploit our young time to do all the useful thing, which one not only useful by our self but also for all the people around us. Let’s fill our time to study and turn our skill and potential until it can rising success. We should to up and bring a change for Indonesia because we are CHANGE AGENT.
All my loving audience,
I think it’s complete enough for me up to this point. And I beg your pardon.
Thank you so much for your attention. Finally I say,

Wassalamua’laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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